I first made this blog post when I was ill, hence the title. Fortunately I seem to be on the mend.
Anyway, I've been reflecting on my past conduct. I have perhaps not been the most amiable person around here. Like everyone else, I have some growing and maturing to do. In my defense, it's hard to be positive when going through dark times. I'm not excusing my mistakes, just pointing out the difficulties of being a flawed human trying to get through life.
I'm leaving this fandom. 07-Ghost has been a part of my life since late 2010 or so. The manga is long since over and the anime will most likely not be renewed. My interest in the series has been waning for a while. But the beautiful thing about Japanese media, and don't let anyone tell you o…
Sometimes my own personal headcanons feel more real to me than the actual canon. Not just with regards to 07-Ghost, but in almost every fandom I've ever been in. In the case of 07-Ghost, I imagined an epic war between Verloren and the protagonists. We never got to see the Chief of Heaven's face either. Same goes for Mikhail and Raphael. Furthermore, Ouka's character remains somewhat underdeveloped. I feel like the authors jammed her in just to have a female lead. In fact, even Raphael is more interesting and relatable than her. To me, at least.
But at the end of the day, as the saying goes: opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.
Updates and stuff
Not much to do around here nowadays. No one even hangs around on the chat and no new questions have been posted on the forums for a while. I remember, way back in about 2010 to maybe 2013 there was a window of time where this wiki was buzzing with activity. These days it's a ghost town. I myself used to be here every day or almost every day. But growing up and having things to do in real life can kind of zap your spirit....or at least it does for me. I don't feel the enthusiasm nearly as much as I used to-not just towards this series, but towards animanga fandoms in general. Kids reading this, listen up: you're not going to be young forever, okay? You're just not. No one is. Someday you'll be paying bills and raising kids or travelling the…
Spam watch
Hi all, do your part to watch out for spam and/or vandalism on this wiki and file a report if you see any. 01237 (talk) 20:30, June 23, 2016 (UTC)
Mangafox stopped publihing Zero 7 Ghost, ugh. You can still read it on Mangahere, though.
I've dug up some hot links for y'all. You're welcome.
Well, it's been fun, but now I'm leaving. If you have any burning questions, please don't send 'em my way b/c I probably won't respond. Just submit your queries at or simply leave a message for any active editor.
Farewell~ *flies away*
Spoiler warnings
I've noticed some commenters complaining about spoilers. I'm thinking of putting spoiler warnings at the tops of certain pages. When I have some time to spare, I shall gradually work on that. Any help would be appreciated. It gets tiring being the only or one of the very few active editors here.
On translations and the importance of getting it from the source
As anyone following this wiki (IS there anyone still actively following this wiki?) may have noticed, I've been going through and adding in or correcting the Japanese names in a lot of the articles. There's a fair number of pages with no information, but there's also quite a few with wrong information. It's a bit of a slow process, especially as I don't always know offhand where to find the scenes that some of the more obscure names and terms actually appear.
But that aside, since I'm hitting a point where it's getting harder and harder to track down both pages to fix and the references, if there IS anyone still hanging around here there's a few things that would greatly help:
- Pointing me towards articles that are missing or have incomplete …
You know what? this anime is one of my favorite, because its so beautiful very beautiful, I already watched this, I think 1 month ago, and Im just creating my blog post today.
Also, this anime maked me cried when Mikage died, and then Teito cried all day, I was very disappointed at that time, but Im also happy when mikage was reaicarnated to a something like rabbit. I also like when teito give frau a smile when frau was in something like a dungeon, I think that was my favorite part.
That's all. :)
New Theory Available
Click here to see it.
Also, I have enabled anonymous comments for those of you who don't have accounts. :)
Chances are if you leave a comment here, I most likely will not see it, as I rarely use my wikia account anymore.
I've created some new pages, and I'd appreciate constructive edits on those pages. Google Translate says 'Meshiagare' means 'C'mon', but if I'm mistaken, please rename the article. The title Delicious C'mon sounds a little strange to me, but Japanese isn't my first language, so.......
There's quite a lot of articles that need to be cleaned-up and/or un-stubbed. More contributors are always welcome, pretty please with a cherry on top.
Well, enjoy celebrating the start of 2014!!
"Character Songs"
Every now and then, a song makes me think about 07-Ghost and I get a feeling like, "Hey, this song is perfect for [insert 07-Ghost character name here e.g. Frau, Teito etc.]!" So here is a list of songs that in my opinion, suit some of the characters of the series. YouTube links provided.
Song: We Are Young
Artist: Mika
YT link:
Song: O Death
Artist: Jen Titus
YT link:
Song: Wreak Havoc
Artist: Angelspit
YT link:
Song: Headstrong
Artist: Trapt
YT link:
Song: Demons
Artist: Imagine Dragons
YT link:
Song: Ho…
New Theory Coming Soon
Information here.
For those of you who are interested, new theory will be coming out soon.
Drama CDs
I cannot find some of the 07 Ghost drama CDs in my home country. If anyone is able to find images and information on 07-GHOST and The Hausen Family, please update those pages on the wikia. It would be a great help. Thank you.
My list of top 7 scenes in 07 Ghost
A list of my seven favourite scenes in the series (in descending order):
7. Eve helping Verloren to escape from his prison
6. Teito crashing into Frau after falling from his hawkzile
5. Castor telling Razette that it's time they live, always together
4. Frau and Teito's conversation after Frau almost devours Teito's soul while staying at Velniza Castle
3. Mikhail's fight against Bastien
2. Mikhail and Raphael's conversation after Raphael overcomes his brainwashing
1. Teito leaving for Seele
Wahreit Teito's Future
Umm, greetings to everyone :D
ive been wondering for a while, at teito's future, there's said that he will become a pope at basburg church and reestablished raggs kingdom.
when i think about that, teito as the king will have a double power as a pope and as a king. then he also has two big responsibilities at the same time, dont you think its a bit weird?
and then, when i see the last chapter of 07 Ghost, i dont see anything mentioning this trivia..
where are this issue comes from?
It's been a while...
4 years since the first season of the anime ended and still no news of a second season :(
I've done my best to be patient...but I'm ready to give up hope :/
The ending + frustrating War template
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that the ending of the 07-Ghost manga is kind of...rushed? There are a lot of things left unexplained. I was anticipating Miroku Barsburg's backstory, Mikage becoming human again, the Ghosts having more battles to fight, but in the end, none of that happened. Ayanami/Verloren's death also felt too rushed. He was built up to be this menacing death god, and then he just dies within a few chapters because he was impaled by his own scythe? o.0
On the plus side, at least we get to see the return of Fea Kreuz and Lance, Millea well again, and adorable little reborn Teito.........
On an unrelated note, are any of the other contributors having trouble with Template: War? Because whenever I insert it into a pag…
07-Ghost Gabriel?
A while back, I saw a forum thread on Mangafox about the possible existence of an Archangel Gabriel in 07-Ghost, and that got me thinking. I've been pondering this matter for some time. To paraphrase and expand on what was discussed in that forum thread, there are three types of Zaiphon, and Mikhail and Raphael seem to be associated with the combat and healing types respectively. It's not a great stretch of the imagination to conclude that Gabriel might be associated with the manipulation type of Zaiphon, now is it? Besides, it's possible that Gabriel would be the 'go-between', so to speak, of the three angels; mediating between Mikhail and Raphael. Furthermore, if you consider that some of the gods in the series don't seem fond of humans,…
Eve's mother
As all fans of 07-Ghost would know by now, Eve is the daughter of the Chief of Heaven. However, there hasn't been any mention of her mother. I've been curious about who Eve's mother is, or if Eve even has a mother.
It's been confirmed that Teito is not Eve's reincarnation, but reincarnation or not, it can't be denied that Eve, no matter how coincidentally, looks an awful lot like Teito. What if it turned out that Eve has brown hair and green eyes like Teito? This brings me to my next point...
Brown and green are often associated with the earth, or nature. I think it's possible that Eve's mother is the goddess of the earth/nature in the series universe. Father-ruler of the heavens; mother-ruler of the earth: see where I'm going with this? O:…
Other wiki
Does anyone else realise that there's another 07 Ghost wiki out there?
Kinda funny...
I' marathon editing all day today...Phew. *rubs eyes and temples*
So anyway, as all 07-Ghost fans would know by now, the series ends with the next chapter, the 99th Kapitel. I will be sad to see the series end, but I suppose all good things must come to an end. Hopefully, the authors will someday pen a new series-I would read it, for sure! :D
The ending. THE ENDING. I am fervently hoping for a good ending. Mangakas as talented as Amemiya Yuki and Ichihara Yukino would not disappoint, I'm sure. Please let there be a wonderful, spectacular, emotionally satisfying ending.
Gonna make a few more edits...and then...(-_-)/
Fea Kreuz changed his name but...
When Fea Kreuz died, I'm assuming that he changed his name (to Kreuz) to reduce the chances of contact between them and people in their previous lives. But as Castor said in Kapitel 33: "Once someone dies, it is prohibited by Heaven for that person to come in with people who knew that death."
But Kreuz and Krom knew each other? If you look, in Kapitel 43, Kreuz calls Krom 'older brother'. So why has Vertrag broken this law? Could it be that Krom was not aware of his brother's death?
In manga chapter 8 and anime episode 10, Castor told Frau: "If the higher-ups learn about this (letting Teito keep memories of having seen Frau's true form), you'll be stripped of the right to be a Ghost."
I have been puzzled by this for a long time, Was Castor referring to humans, the higher-ups in the Barsburg military, or some mysterious heavenly higher-ups who have not been shown?
There are a few things that puzzle me, in the series:
- If the Raggs war occurred 10 years before the series start, and Ouka was 3 at the time, shouldn't she be 13 now and not 16?
- We know that only a woman can rule the Barsburg Empire. If that's the case, how is it possible that Karu, a male, was considered a candidate for the throne when he was human?
- The Seven Ghosts are supposedly not allowed to return to heaven until they've completed their goal of defeating Verloren once and for all, getting Pandora's Box to the Land of Seele. Yet, after rescuing Frau, Teito said that Guido had been about to return to heaven (see page 22 of Kapitel 96), implying that Guido would have returned to heaven if not for the Frau and Verloren's scythe situation.
- H…
Things that need names.
There are a few things I'd like to make pages for, but don't know what any of them are called.
- The thing where reports are submitted using the Bishop pass (bottom right panel)
- This chick thing (bottom three panels)
- These owl things on the signs (bottom left panels)
- That black thing with loads of eyes (bottom right panel)
- The name of Carl's dark-haired subordinate (bottom right)
- The name of that aircraft (top panel), and the name of the creature that powers it (it looks like the same black thing that drives the bus).
If anyone knows the names of these things, that'd be really helpful. :)
The gods: Hierarchy?
The Chief of Heaven is acknowledged as the creator of the other gods in the series. That much we know for sure. What I would like to know is whether there is a hiearchy among all the gods.
In chapter 97, some heavenly soldiers call Eve 'Eve-sama', showing that they respect her and/or she's their superior. From this, we can infer that she is of a higher social status than the soldiers, so to speak. Then there's Mikhail, who clearly doesn't have much respect for the Seven Ghosts, but it's unclear if it's simply because of his proud personality or because he's above them in the same way Eve is above the soldiers. I also wonder why Raphael calls Mikhail 'Mikhail-sama'. Is it simply because Raphael respects Mikhail, or is it because Mikhail is R…
New Things!
Guys we have lots of new things!
I know I've been neglecting you all lately because of all of this but I'd really like to know what people think about the banner at the top (still a work-in-progress thing, I'm trying to get rid of that white thing to the right), the new images for the external links, and the affiliates feature.
0278, I haven't forgotten about the birthday thing. I've gathered some images and I'll implement it as soon as I can. :D
Chief of Heaven: Something seems wrong
Beware that this blog post contains spoilers for those of you who have not already read either the wiki's page on Kapitel 97 or snippets of the raw version on the Brownie Post II.
As some fans would know by now, Kapitel 97 revealed that the Chief of Heaven was planning to execute Verloren, presumably because, for some reason, the Chief couldn't remove the 'defect' from Verloren. I find this suspicious. If the Chief is essentially God (of the series universe) and the creator of the other gods, shouldn't he be powerful enough to destroy or remove whatever 'defect' there may be in a creation of his? Okay, so the gods of 07-Ghost are flawed. I get that. But still. No matter how flawed they are, how could one of the gods possibly be unable to 'cu…
Eve's hair colour
I've been wondering why Eve's hair colour suddenly changed...why would it change from dark to light? Could the change mean that the Eve who spoke to Teito and Landkarte isn't quite the same person as the Eve Verloren knew? Or could Eve's new hair colour somehow be symbolic?
In the background: Karu's parents?
See here:
In the third panel from the right, top half of the page, Karu seems to be facing a man and a woman who are in shadow. Could they be his parents?
teito is the reincarnation of the chief of heaven (rewritten)
I think teito is the reincarnation of the chief of heaven. So this starts with before the bishop exam castor asked him questions about the past but teito answered the questions then said the answers came to him like a song. Also kal said that teito's light is strong enough to purify verloren and also teito's pure soul was able to purify landkarte so this shows that if teito is able to purify someone powerful like verloren and landkarte he must be the rebith of the chief of heaven. The reason why the scyth try to take teito's soul because of revenge for verloren's seal and said that he was looking for teito for along time maybe for revenge. Chief and eve were close so that's the reason why teito felt closed to her. eve must of reincarnated…
Romance in 07-Ghost
I have been thinking about this. What are the chances of a lot of romance happening in this series? Apart from a few official romantic relationships among the older characters e.g. Krom/Millea and Castor's parents, romance doesn't seem to have a huge role in the present timeline. Sure, there are hints and undertones, and of course many fans have their favourite pairings, but the authors seem to focus more on friendship and family.
Comments, anyone?
Houston, We Have SPAM
How is this relevent to the 07-Ghost series again? :P
On a more serious note, does anyone know how we get this page removed?
And how did these people manage to post something here? Isn't there like, a CAPTCHA or something to prevent things like this? On the bright side, their posting access has been blocked.
Previous Seven Ghosts generation: Cliques?
I'm writing this for the purpose of expressing my thoughts about the previous generation of Seven Ghosts. Uwah, when it comes to this series, theories just keep piling up in my head.
I wonder if it's just me, but I feel that the previous generation of Seven Ghosts was sort of divided into 'cliques'. Obviously, they all liked each other and were all friends (before Landkarte was corrupted and started betraying everyone right left and center), but whenever I read chapters in which they appear, I see cliques within the septet. The most obvious one would be Ea and Landkarte-like Teito and Mikage, and Ayanami and Hyuuga, they stick together like glue. XD Then there's Profe, Fest and Relikt-they died together, the current generation reflects thei…
Is Ouka a yaoi fangirl? Well...I'm intrigued by this page in manga chapter 51 (provided in the link). Ouka seems to be a yaoi fangirl...either that or she's a teacher student romance shipper.
Who agrees with me? *looks around* Feel free to comment.