07 Ghost Wiki
Sister Athena
アテナ Atena
Aliases Sister
Species Human
Nationality {{{nationality}}}
Gender Female
Age Presumably early-to-mid 20's
Birthday Unknown
Height Estimated 163cm
Weight Unknown
Personal status
Status Alive
Relatives Unknown
Professional status
Occupation Nun
Affiliation The Barsburg Church
Manga Kapitel 2
Anime Episode 2
Japanese Ayako Kawasumi

Athena is a minor character in the 07 Ghost manga and anime series, as well as one of the few female recurring characters in the series. Sister Athena is one of main three nuns that work in the Church doing odd jobs, such as cooking, cleaning, and manual labour, and is often seen together with Sister Libelle and Sister Rosalie. Out of the three sisters, Sister Athena appears to be the middle one, and is recognised by her blue hair and purple eyes.


Athena looks to be in her early twenties, appearing as the middle Sister: younger than Libelle, but older than Rosalie.

File:Sister athena.jpg

Athena's facial appearance.

Athena is the smallest of the Sisters, and appears to be around the height of five foot four inches, with a slender build. Athena has a round face with chubby cheeks, a small up-turned nose, a small mouth with full lips and large purple eyes. Her hair, from what can be seen, is straight and blue in colour.

Sister Athena is always seen in her Church wear, which consists of a black tunic, and a white wimple over the tunic over her head and shoulders.


Athena is friendly and happy most of the time. She has a liking for children, and always tries to make the best out of a bad situation. Athena has a very kind personality, and shows a reluctance to criticize people even after they have done wrong. However she can lose her temper when she feels others are behaving in a threatening way.She shows a caring side towards Teito, like her other sisters also do.


With her peers

Libelle: Athena sometimes seems a little intimidated by Libelle, as she is very reluctant to argue back even if she disagrees with her, instead gently trying to make her see the other side of the argument, and does as she says.

Rosalie: Athena and Rosalie get on well, with Athena sometimes looking after Rosalie.

Anime synopsis


Athena plays a relatively minor role in the anime and she is first seen when Teito is brought to the Church by Frau. She, along with the two other Sisters, takes Teito back to his room after they find him lying on the ground, him (Teito) having been fainted, and gives him medicine, food and drink. Athena is later seen in the dining room of the Church, where she has prepared Teito's food. As Athena eats her own food she quizzes Teito about his life outside the Church, but then stops when Teito refuses to answer. Sister Athena is shown looking after some small children in the Church when she spots Teito looking at the statue of one of the Seven Ghosts. Athena goes to speak to him about it, and tells him the story of the Seven Ghosts and Verloren, explaining that the Seven Ghosts protect the Barsburg Church from evil.

She is later seen outside where she is doing the laundry with the other Sisters. She embarrasses Teito after holding up his underwear and asking if she can wash it. During the Bishop exam, Sister Athena monitors the dormitories of the examinees to make sure they get to bed on time, along with the other two Sisters, Libelle and Rosalie, and introduces Teito to his room mate and exam partner.
